My Recent Activity

Saturday, January 31, 2009


EVE Fitting Tool (AKA EFT) is a program which allows you to fit a ship out of game without having to buy anything. It will tell you about important stats like capacitor, damage, and hitpoints, as well as skills you need to be able to use the fit.
This is the fitting screen of EFT. You can see the modules in the bar on the left, as well as key stats on the right. The CPU and power grid are at the top right corner, showing me how much I have left, or in this case, how much I'm missing.
Another nice feature in EFT is that you can mouse over the indicator light next to your character's name to see a list of skills you must train to be able to use the fit. The downfall to this feature is that it doesn't include electronics and engineering to meet the CPU and power grid requirements, so those must be calculated manually. It will also tell you which skills are needed for which modules, which I personally love about it. You can download EFT here. I recommend you do it now. Also, a quick tip, to make your character, go to View -> Character Editor and click Create new character. Type in your name and create it. Once it's made, click the Import button right under the create new character button and put in your API information.
That's it for this post. Good luck out there, and fly safe.

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